Toe puffs
For more than 20 years we have been manufacturing toe puffs of top quality and excellent processing.
Thanks to our many years of experience and the constructive cooperation with our suppliers and customers, we provide the best range of toe puffs of top raw materials specifically for each type of shoe: from casual men’s and women’s, sneakers, loafers, sports shoes, ballerinas to classic men’s and women’s, oxford, heels and women’s boots.
The best raw materials, made mainly of natural materials such as cotton and latex, give the shoe shape durability over time and make our toe puffs extremely flexible and easy to use in the production process.
Using state-of-the-art mechanical equipment, we achieve precise cutting and skiving and finishing that make the toe puff invisible on the shoe body.
Thus, we can ship worldwide perfectly skived toe puffs (with one or two skivings) in any model you desire.

Toe Puff Categories

Toe puffs
This is the top category of toe puffs, which is widely used, as it combines adaptability with recovery and gives perfect form and comfort to the shoe.

Plastic extrusion Toe Puffs
Plastic extrusion toe puffs are ideal for casual and sports shoes as they offer high recovery.